"Is the throat goblin getting you down? That pesky little invader already visited our home, and let’s just say… I’m not a fan!"

What is Strep Throat?
Bacterial infection in the throat and tonsils caused by streptococcal bacteria.
Causes sudden, severe sore throat, irritation, and inflammation.
Often confused with the common cold (which is viral, not bacterial).
Common Symptoms of Strep Throat
Sudden, severe sore throat.
Pain when swallowing.
Fever over 101°F.
Swollen tonsils and lymph nodes.
White or yellow spots in a red throat.
Headache, stomach pain, or vomiting.
Loss of appetite and discomfort.
Red skin rash.
How Strep Throat Spreads
Easily transmitted in close-contact environments (e.g., schools, childcare, families).
Spread through respiratory droplets (breathing, coughing, sneezing).
Can also spread via contaminated surfaces (e.g., doorknobs).
Symptoms usually appear 2–5 days after exposure.
Antibiotics reduce contagiousness and ease symptoms.
Typically, people are no longer contagious 24 hours after starting antibiotics.
Over-the-counter pain relievers may also be recommended.
Without antibiotics, a person could be contagious for up to 3 weeks.
How to Avoid Getting Strep Throat
Avoid close contact with infected individuals.
Wash hands frequently.
Don’t share food, drinks, or personal items like toothbrushes.
Keep hands away from mouth, nose, and eyes.
How to Avoid Spreading Strep Throat
Use and dispose of tissues properly.
Wash hands regularly.
Avoid coughing or sneezing on others.
Stay home until 24 hours after starting antibiotics.
"Fingers crossed that pesky goblin stays far away!"